We partner with Dorian Adam at Embark Fitness to provide year-round strength training and winter indoor cycling for our team.
For riders ages 13 – 18 who want improve fitness, athletic ability and durability.
WHAT: Periodized strength & endurance program that meets athletes where they are and measures improvement.
WHY: Once riders are training multiple days per week for many months it’s important to balance cycling adaptations with other movements; plus it’s an educational environment where we discuss science, nutrition, training habits and help riders reach their fitness goals.
REQUIRED: Must be ready to do challenging physical work, follow instructions in the weight room, and be self-motivated to improve. Talk to Coach Bill to make sure this is a good fit for you, and you’re welcome to do come one time to check it out before you commit.
2024 “Winter 1” 8-Week Team Strength Session:
12 spots available
Mondays 1/22/24 – 3/11/24, 4:30-5:30 PM
Coached by Dorian Adam, owner Embark Fitness and CJC head coach Bill Warburton
Winter plan: varied progressive external and body weight loading focus on eccentric work, weekly circuit with variable heart rate intervals for power, acceleration, speed. Recovery time built into session.
Includes 2 FTP tests (Functional Threshold Power) on 1/29/24 & 3/4/24. Cycling shoes (SPD) are preferred but not necessary and loaners available.
Additional workshop on nasal breathing for performance cyclists (date TBD).
2024 “Fall Strength” 10-Week Team Strength Session:
12 spots available
Mondays 9/16/24 – 11/18/24, 4:30-5:30 PM
Coached by a trainer from Embark Fitness and CJC head coach Bill Warburton
Fall focus on explosive power, speed work and muscular endurance.
May include warm-up or short sessions on the spin bikes — and possibly an FTP test.
Sign up is directly through Embark and you need a waiver on file:
CJC riders can join any of the daily instructor-led rides available at discounted 10-class pack rate. Data driven program yielding all ride metrics to track performance.
Suggested rides to join:
Monday 6a – with Abbi Hamlin (elite rider, nutritionist and coach)
Monday / Weds – 7:15a with Derek Cuny (former pro, now local shredder and coach)
Tuesday 5:30p – with Sarah “Eddie” Edwards (Cog Wild guide, elite rider, assisted CX Team)
Wednesday 6a – with Jen Leubke (former pro rider and triathlete, now elite rider and coach)
Thursday 6p – with Sarah “Eddie” Edwards
Join a ride:
Buy a 10-pack — regularly $175, discounted to $150 for CJC riders, email Coach Bill for the link and discount code.
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