We are proud of our staff for their commitment to teaching and enhancing the lives of young cyclists!
Bill Warburton
Team Manager
Bill began coaching juniors in 2005 and co-founded the Bend Endurance Academy in 2009. He draws on his racing experiences in alpine & Nordic skiing, mountain biking and road racing to help teach skills, strength, movement & tactics.
Lev Stryker
Youth Coach
Lev does so much to support our cycling community in Oregon — and yet he always finds time to shred with the All Mountain Team. Through sustainable tourism, trail stewardship, teaching skills and community involvement he’s always finding ways to help.
Katie Emory
Youth & Club Coach
Katie helps out with everything at CJC & Cog Wild, and loves riding with the elementary and middle school clubs.om college.
Cory Poulin
Club Coach
Cory enjoys teaching skills to the club-level riders, and going on full-day adventures with the teams, especially over many seasons as they grow and improve their abilities.
Landon Farnworth
Race Team Coach
Landon is racing XC as a national-level pro and enjoys working with the teenagers who are ready to push themselves in all dimensions of their athletic development.
Kirin Stryker
Owner of Cog Wild
Kirin has a background in education and enjoys coaching the youth and club riders. She helps the riders connect as a team — learning about everything from riding skills to natural history along the way.
Tim Evens
Race Team Coach
Timmy has raced pro-level mountain bike for many years and is now owner of Evens Physical Therapy. He shares valuable insights about downhill racing, tactics, fitness and how to be rad.
Want to coach with us?
Share the stoke!
From professional riders & guides to teachers or parents — all of our staff bring diverse experiences to their mentorship of the young riders we’re supporting.
If you’re interested in getting involved please stop by our office, call us, or email Bill@cogwild.com.
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