Oakridge, Oregon is the place to be

Oakridge shines in summer. While we are all about mountain biking, we do appreciate the other fun events that make Oakridge awesome.

We’re excited about the Community Farmers Market on Friday’s from 3-6 PM, stock up on veggies and fresh baked goods for your visit.  Stroll Uptown Oakridge to see arts and crafts from local artisans at the next First Friday Art Walk on August 2nd. Like beer? The 15th Annual Oakridge Keg and Cask Festival is on tap for the afternoon of August 12.

Come play for a weekend or stay for a month; there’s so much fun to be had. The classic rides around town are great but there is so much more to discover in any direction.

Special Shuttles
Moon Point Hot Laps
Moon Point/ Young’s Rock Trail is so nice, we like to ride it twice. Meet the shuttle at our location in Uptown Oakridge, where we load up and carpool south of town for two laps on this remote downhill trail. The shuttle includes an optional drop on Larison Rock on the way back into town.  Pack a lunch; this is a full day of fun. The shuttle runs on Saturdays through October.
Middle Fork of the Willamette Shuttle
Word from the Oregon Timber Trail 300 racers is that the Middle Fork of the Willamette Trail is in great shape.  Shuttle out to Paddy’s Valley and ride at your own pace back to your vehicle at Sand Prairie Campground/ end of the trail. Interested in riding the Middle Fork down from Timpanogas Lake? Adventure rides to Timpanogas and other high country trails will be added to the calendar for August & September or join a late season multi day trip to Timpanogas and Upper Umpqua. This shuttle is scheduled by request for groups of 4 or more.
Heckletooth Trail
After being closed due to fire damage from the Kwis Fire in 2021, Heckletooth Trail is now open and running great. We love this trail for the challenging rocky top, big views and super fun descents. Plus, it ends at our location where food and drink are available from the Middle Fork Bistro. Heckletooth shuttle runs on Thursdays and Sundays at 12:30.

Book all Oakridge shuttles here.
Two mountain bikers take in the view of Oakridge from the Dead Mountain overlook.