TeamSnap is a service we use for several features:
Registration — enrollment forms add riders to the correct roster for practices, provide the athlete agreement, waiver and allow for online, monthly and offline payment options.
Scheduling — official practice schedule, events, trips, group rides are updated here first (website or emails may not contain the latest changes)
Attendance & Availability — parents or riders can mark “yes / no / maybe” for events on the schedule. We assume riders will attend practice, but for bonus rides, trips, etc. this feature is very helpful.
Team Chat — parents, riders, coaches can all communicate easily using chat in the mobile app. Race Team riders should have the app installed to participate in the chat and mark their availability for events.
Safer communication — riders and parents can chat with coaches or custom groups on a safe platform to avoid one-on-one phone / sms / private messages between adults and minors.
How we plan to use it for 2023
XC / Enduro / Cyclocross / Remote Team Riders will use all features and riders should have the app on their phone to see the chat and use the RSVP function.
Cascadia Club & Youth All MTN riders — we will begin by using just emails and then discuss using the chat features at practice this spring to see if it’s useful
Setup TeamSnap App
Use the correct registration form on the team page to either create a new TeamSnap account or login to add the team to your account.
Once you have filled out the form, you may need to adjust your account settings to include parents, participating siblings, email preferences, and phone numbers: read this help article to setup your account
Team Chat is only available within the mobile app; download the app to your device and make sure at least one parent is receiving the chat.
Within the mobile app you can:
View full Calendar / Schedule
RSVP to events as needed — we assume you will attend the regular rides, if you are NOT coming it’s helpful to mark yourself absent, or mark as attending for trips and events.
Use the chat features to communicate with the coaches or share photos / updates to the group
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